Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year, A New Decade

January 1st 2011:
Went to sleep at 4am and woke at 7am to let the dogs out, suck down a bottle of water and pop a few aspirin. Back in bed until 10:30, then time for coffee... lots of coffee. Poor Roland was stumbling around the entire day, a late reaction to the sedatives the vet prescribed to help get him through the new year's party the night before. Hopefully one day, the poor guy will learn to not be so afraid of everyone and everything.
Hangovers suck, but the only thing I really regret about the previous night is the glass of Kraken rum I drank. Probably could have done without that. I had intended to start the new year off with a bang... get to painting, draw up a couple tattoos for friends, maybe finish this song I started writing. Instead, I spent the day on the couch watching shitty movies and eating pizza with the hubby, but these things happen. And why does my neck hurt so bad? It kills. Hmmm.
Not sure why, but I was thinking of death a lot. It used to bother me, but not so much anymore. I see these little old ladies on the bus every morning, with their bleeding lipstick and withered skin, walkers and canes and square heeled shoes. Do I want to live that long? I think our bodies have a natural expiration date, and that's okay. Living too long seems like staying at a party way too late, when the hosts obviously just wish you'd go home so they could go to bed. It's just awkward. When the time is up, I plan to let it ride... on to sweet oblivion.
But, until then, I had better get to work - goal for the upcoming year: get out of the "just get through the work-week" rut I've been in, become my own boss and build a life for myself that I actually love.
That would definitely be okay.

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