Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Day for Me

January 15th 2011:
Today started out pretty good. I made hash brown, toast and eggs and managed not to burn anything (a real accomplishment for me) and had my twice a week breakfast with the husband (still not used to that word, even a little).
I had a lot of art projects to catch up, and managed to get them mostly done... a flyer, and album cover and a t-shirt design all finished and off my plate... a sigh of relief... also had some free time do play with photoshop a bit... end result, me as a cemetery statue.
So, I saw on that Gwyneth Paltrow has a blog called GOOP, and somehow managed to piss enough working mommies off to make it onto the mns homepage... that said, I had to read the post that pissed all these mamas off, and I must say, it was kind of a shock. She and a couple friends outlined their days with helpful time-saving tips for the working mom. Some of the gems they offered up: Multitask by doing your post-aerobics-dance class stretches in the shower with "the conditioner works its magic" on your hair; rather than taking time out of each day to get a mani, pedi and facial, find a spa that will do all three at once (what a time saver! I really have a hard time fitting my daily spa treatment in... seriously); having trouble staying motivated to exercise each day? Well, hire a personal trainer to come to your house Monday mornings to work you out in your home gym, duh...
Who knew the wealthy were that out of touch with us working folks? I mean, really... when do you think the last time one of these folks even talked to a poor, or even middle class, person was (excluding waiters, personal trainers and the girls working at the spa)... okay, so maybe that sounds totally naive, but really. People are shocking in their general cluelessness.
The next thing this makes me think of is politics... I'm not going to rant, but just point out that most politicians are wealthy, and not the self-made man kind of wealthy (for example, I once read that Bush Senior admitted he had never entered a grocery store before the day he had to do some meet-n-greet at one)... and these guys are the folks making policies on our healthcare, taxes, etc... how can that be good for "joe plumber"?
So, anyway, time to get off this damn computer and go russell up some dinner....

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