Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss

January 16th 2011:
So, today was the big day... bath day for Billie and Roland. Not a big deal unless you consider that Roland is 130 pounds of super strong, thrashing, terrified-of-water dog. Last time we gave him a bath, it took a slab of smoked brie to get him into the tub. Sadly, we had no brie on hand today, so Chris said, let use butter... all good except Roland nabbed the entire stick of butter and swallowed it, wrapper and all, while we were still discussing whether or not butter was a good idea... I swear he must be part velociraptor. So, a tablet of Xanax and a jar of peanut butter later, we got him into the bathroom, then into the tub. I had pre-filled 9 buckets with water (he freaks out when you turn the tap on) to get him wet, then rinse him with, and I have to say, it worked perfectly. He was sopping wet and soapy before he realized what was happening.
Billie, on the other hand, is the opposite. She hopped right in the tub and happily licked peanut butter off the sire of the bathtub while we scrubbed her head to tail.
All in all, it was less of an ordeal than I had anticipated, both dogs are stoked to be clean and brushed, and are currently passed out from all the excitement.
Watched "Food Inc" last night. I already knew most of what what in the documentary, but I have to say, seeing it made me want to never go to the grocery store again. I have no clue how anyone could eat a fast food burger (or non-organic meat in general) after seeing that... I might write more on this another time, but for now, I plan to empty out my fridge (goodbye genetically modified ketchup) and remain silently creeped out.
Plans for tonight... perhaps a new tattoo? Maybe finish up some songs? Maybe watch some crap TV?
Decisions, decisions.....

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