Tuesday, January 11, 2011

All Day, Thinking it was Thursday... Sigh

January 11th 2011:
Why is it that randomly buying things makes you feel better about life? It seems sick and wrong and shallow, but it is so totally true. Did I NEED the super thick, super soft, super cute stocking cap I bought today?
I had a perfectly adequate hat on already.
Did my brain NEED the hat I bought today?
Hell yes.
And the shirt I bought, too... and it also needed the sweater dress I tried on, but sadly, they did not have my size.
And I have to say, I feel pretty happy right now, pretty content.
How long will the feeling last? Meh, who cares? For now, I am stoked that when I step outside, into the freezing (literally) rain and snow the weatherman predicts is coming, I will be wearing a new, adorable, warm hat on my head.
Last night, I had a glass (or two) of wine with my girl, Jessica. It was nice to sit around and shoot the shit, though, yet again, I stayed up far too late. That 5:30am alarm this morning was downright loathsome.
Tonight, I should probably get back to work... and maybe do that load of laundry that's been sitting in the machine since Friday... maybe.

There was no rain or snow, weather man was wrong again, but I'm still stoked about the damn hat.

It started snowing. So pretty and peaceful.

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