Thursday, January 20, 2011


January 20th 2011:
So hard to get out of bed and down the street today. The blankets seemed especially warm and cozy. Billie and Roland were completely crashed out in little puppy balls beside me, which is rare. Usually they are my anatomical alarm clocks, up and ready to head outside right at 5:30am, their cold, wet noses poking my face until I get up and free them to do their backyard business.

Feeling less under the weather than I was yesterday, but it's still early (7:15am). Chris rubbed my shoulder and it seems to be better for now, as well... we'll see.
For now, time to get to work... more later.

Well, it's later (9:55pm to be exact). About 10 minutes after finishing the paragraph above, the shoulder tweaked out again. I made it through the work day - I am becoming a one-handed typing pro - and planned to go home and stay as far away from computers as possible. Sadly, this was not to be the case.

Rather, I got home, made a feeble dinner of broccoli and black beans & rice (Cajun-style), fed the pooches, then was told the CD art I was working on had to be done immediately. So, three more hours of computer time for me, navigating between photoshop and illustrator, making adjustments, adding text, creating an additional 11x17 poster, then plugging it all into frustrating templates courtesy of the printer.

On the up-side, the job is done and my weekend is freed up for personal artistic endeavors.
On the down side, my shoulder is now shooting messages to the brain that go something like this, "please, muscle relaxers, please" and "why did you do this to me, you evil cow" and finally, "die, bitch"

Sadly, I am not a fan of nor do I have any muscle relaxers, so, out of sympathy for my shoulder, I will stop typing now and go beg the husband to rub my shoulder.


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