Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh, life

So, before launching into current events or a rant about yesterday or my feelings about being trapped in an office when it is sunny and beautiful out, I feel obligated to provide a little information about myself, back story, if you will.

I was raised in the metro Phoenix area of Arizona, a vapid suburban wasteland where strip malls and planned communities spread across the desert like the plague and beige is the only color paint ever invented. I moved as soon as I possibly could - up to Seattle, down to Los Angeles, back up to Seattle. I joined a band, spent three years touring this land we call America, the band broke up, started another band, went back out on tour, ended up at an ER in Kansas City after a sweltering show and an all night afterparty, found out I wasn't just hot and drunk, but seriously ill, was told I needed surgery, left Missouri for the east coast with an arsenal of pain killers in my suitcase, got lost in Central Park, finished the tour, had afore mentioned surgery at a county hospital in Phoenix, found out I needed a second surgery, had said second surgery, adopted a starved, neglected, emotionally damaged wolfdog puppy, agreed to marry Christiaan, the love of my life (still working on setting a date), moved back to Seattle.

That is pretty much my twenty-somethings in a nutshell. Currently, I am working on a new band and trying to become more ambitious about getting my art out into the world. I recently started working with oil paints (I was always an acrylics kind of lady, but I seem to be getting more patient with age) and am entirely stoked about the results. I will be posting these paintings as the mood strikes me and/or as the new ones are completed. Roland, my damaged desert puppy, has grown into a 125lb neurotic hairball - we can't take him anywhere, he is afraid of bicycles, backpacks, sliding doors, telephone poles, people; you name it, he fears it - and for his birthday last December we adopted Billie, quite possibly the cutest puppy on this here planet. She is all love and kisses, and is slowly teaching Roland to be more comfortable with himself and the world.

I just moved into a house with my fiance and the two dogs, the first place I've lived with no roommates since I was 18. Finally having some space and privacy is fabulous and I am amped to use all my new-found alone time to paint and write and focus on making a future for myself that I can be happy with, because, I have to face it, I have never been a good drone, the daily 9 to 5 routine makes me crazy, and I am only truly at peace with myself when doing something creative. The new house is full of quirks, including a secret room that was sealed off from the rest of the house, but I will save that for the next post... for now, back to life as a drone... break time is over, there are customers to serve, reports to write and spreadsheets to create... sigh.

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