Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Cabinet of Curiosities

I found an old cabinet in a free pile down the street from my house the other day. It was filthy, covered in plaster and caulk and painted a chipped and disgusting primer grey. It had clearly been being used as a work cupboard in someone's garage. On the upside, it was on wheels for easy transport, has doors that latch to keep the dogs out and is the perfect size and shape to house a stereo and records.
I spent most of yeste
rday and a good chunk of this morning sanding it down, painting it and sealing it with a coat of polyurethane. I decided to go with a carnival/freakshow kind of theme, and the Cabinet of Curiosities was created.

Apparently, Billie thinks it would also make a nice, new dog house. My next domestic project will be to refinish the dinner table and chairs.

I have also had an idea for a new series of paintings rattling around in my head. The images are becoming clearer in my mind every day, and I think soon they will start calling to be put to canvas. 

In the meantime, I am working on finishing up a couple more paintings from the Fear, Phobia & Pharma series. I will post as they are completed. Click the title of this post to go to my gallery and check out the ones that are done.

That's it for now... time to go out and enjoy some sunshine!