Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dear Blog, It's Me Margaret...

So, everyone (and by everyone, I mean a few friends and strangely, my mom) keep telling me I need to get on top of this not-so-new-anymore blog craze. My reaction, obviously, is who, besides said select friends and my mother, would want to read about my life, thoughts and/or random daily events? So, true to form, I put off starting this thing for oh, well over a year.

Today was an uneventful day at work, and I ran out of youtube videos to watch and websites to visit. I am broke, so can do no online shopping. Out of pure, bored desperation, I decided that today would be the day I check out this whole "blog" thing. Being technologically challenged, I have no idea how it works or what happens once these words are published to the good old interweb... can words collect dust out there in the technological wastelands? Do those spiders that comb the web ever stop to build their own webs? Will this blog be covered in cobwebs one day, skeletal words propped in a make believe closet? Only time will tell...

And today, time is up... freedom is calling. Time to clock out and go home to feed the wolves. I will leave you ponder whether that is figurative or literal.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog, Margaret. See how easy? she says with a smirk, not having tried it herself. Those spiders will interweave, I'm pretty sure. Soon, D. Bane.
