We had an absolutely beautiful weekend up here in Seattle - warm and sunny, flowers blooming and all that, plus I had three whole days off in a row, whoohoo! So I got up this morning feeling slightly bummed that I had to go back to work, but the sun was peeking out and I decided to wear a cute summer dress (as opposed to my usual black on black pants and t-shirt uniform) to make myself feel better. I get about six blocks from home and the sun is suddenly swallowed up by a blanket of gray. Then the wind picks up and it drops about 10 degrees, so I get more bummed.
I get to work and have about a hundred unread emails to deal with, a stack of invoices to create and send, a million things to do that I have little to no energy for, and a cracked out customer calls me pathectic and disgraceful before dropping the "N" bomb on me via the handy Live Chat feature at my job, simply because I cannot magically make a particular medication he wants materialize at his feet right this second - now I am super bummed.
So, I decide the thing to do is eat two bite sized candy bars and drink a can of Mountain Dew (P.S. I have had absolutely no high fructose corn syrup in over a month) which I just discovered delivers and almost instantaneous, sticky-sweet migraine... on the upside, venting has made me feel a little bit better, a weather obsessed co-worker has informed me the sun will be back tomorrow and the work day is close to over.
So, in the ever inspirational words of Little Orphan Annie, "The sun'll come out, tomorrow, so you gotta hang on til tomorrow, come what may..."
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