Friday, June 12, 2009

Crows, Crackheads and Cigarettes

It's been a while since I've added to the blog... I've been busy, busy, busy, but yesterday was just so strange I feel like sharing.

It stared at 6:30 AM when I decided to flat iron my hair before having the obligatory cup of coffee. Needless to say, I burned the shit out of myself in a sleep addled haze. By 7:10 I was out the door and walking to work. All was going well, I had "In Utero" cranked in my headphones, the weather was great, things were looking up.

I decided to take a shortcut through the parking lot of a church when a giant, black beast of a crow dive-bombed my head. Then there were three crows, all flying at me. I ran two blocks Tippi Hedron style to the safety of a friend's house (P.S. Hitchcock's "The Birds" terrified me as a child, so this was especially horrifying for me). Though I kind of wished I could have watched from a distance, I bet it looked hilarious!

Anyway, after calming down a bit and making sure those bastard crows were gone, I was off to work where I kept my head down and hoped for the best. I made it through work disaster free and left early for a haircut appointment downtown. To get there from my job, I had to take either the 3 or the 4 bus - for non-Seattlelites, these are the buses that run between First Hill and Downtown, past the county hospital, the jail and courthouse, the homeless shelter and a rehab clinic. The 3 got there first so I hopped on; it was filled to capacity, so I stayed in the front.

We made it three blocks when the people in the back started screaming and yelling for the driver to stop the bus. Apparently, a cracked out dude had decided to projectile vomit all over the back of the crowded bus then crawl into the stairwell to continue puking in relative privacy. We all had to evacuate. The plus of this story, I was in front and did not get barfed on, the negative side, I was late for my haircut.

I hauled ass downtown by foot, got my haircut, which was fabulous... there's nothing like changing your hair to make you feel new again... then scrambled to find and catch a bus to Queen Anne to meet up with friends and have a much needed drink or two. While waiting on the street for said bus, a homeless man (missing teeth, open sores on his face, smelled like rotten death) who had clearly just pissed himself walked up and, in complete sincerity, gave me shit for smoking in his general vicinity because of the "secondhand smoke"... what is the world coming to?

Alas... so far today has been much less painful. I finished a coffee table I was painting, it is now a fully functional black cat Ouija Board (I will post pics when I get home), and I have several canvases prepped and ready to go, which means time to paint, and that makes me one happy girl.

For now, back to work!

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